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Fear is one of those crippling emotions. It robs us of our time, our decision making ability, our strength...the list can go on. Over the past month I've been reading through the book of Proverbs and this verse was one of those #SlapYouInTheFace kinda verses for me on that topic. Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. -Proverbs 29:25 Fear of man will prove to be…


You know the moments when you are so sure of yourself that you would argue your point into the ground! Then later you come to learn that you were wrong...yep, those are embarrassing moments! One year ago, I sat at Mike's kitchen table arguing with him. Mike is like an adopted dad to me. He has always helped me in tough situations and shared his life wisdom with me, but this time I was sure…


Joy has been trying to find a small group to connect with and lately every time she joins one they break up! Carlos has dubbed Joy the #SMALLGROUPKILLA and even made a song about it. Check it out!  


Last night I picked up the phone and dialed nervously. It was time to change. Time to finally take responsibility for my choices, my emotions, and my reactions. It was time to call my dear friend Sarah and apologize. See Sarah hurt me, she did, but I am responsible for what I did with that hurt. I pulled away from her. I got angry. I did not deal with it well. I called to apologize…
