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All Dad's are protective of their daughters, but this Dad takes the cake! The song called "Rude" by the band Magic is all over the radio right now. In the song, the lead singer is calling his girlfriend's dad rude because this dad says no when asked for his daughter's hand in marriage. The song makes you feel bad for the lead singer when in reality this dad is just protecting his daughter! Get ready…


I pulled up to the stop light like I always do on my way home from church. The only difference today is that my teenage cousin, Natalie, was in the car with me. There was a worn out, homeless man looking at us through embarrassed eyes as he held a sign that simply said, "Homeless please help." I looked for a moment at the man then looked away. My cousin on the other hand was…


Every woman asks themselves the question, "Am I beautiful?" If you are me, then you ask it several times a day! We desire beauty, but our definition of beauty is constantly changing. Every commercial we see is selling us a new product that will make us "beautiful." The world around us feeds into our insecurities by continually telling us we are not enough and not beautiful without whatever they have to offer. But deep down…


Meet little Kayden Elijah Kinckle who was born with a condition called omphalocele. This condition caused his intestines to stick through his navel and ultimately led to the amputation of his left leg and right foot. His medical team didn't think he would survive, but he did. Learning to walk was something they doubted, but watch this video and let it serve as inspiration to us all that our circumstances don't have to dictate our outcomes. …
