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Welcome to my life. This is Carlos and this is one of the biggest things I am learning right now in my journey with Jesus. To MAKE WAR against my flesh, daily. To look at my struggles differently and learn the reason why I am here, fighting this and what I should be/could be learning from it. This weekend I had the opportunity to speak at a church about just that and I chose Hebrews…


What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?We all learn lessons as we grow that we wish our younger selves knew. Some are simple like, “Don’t waste your time dating that guy” or “Wear sunscreen more often.” However, some of the lessons are deep and I learned over years of difficulty. If you had a time machine TODAY and could go back and talk to your younger self, what would you say?  There is SO much…


Carlos here and I love visiting the doctor. Not sure why, I just always have. Joy on the other hands avoids them like the plague. She’s hyper afraid of needles so maybe that has something to do with it…but not every visit equals a shot…so what is it? Now, I may be a little over the top with my love for doctors. I went to the same pediatrician till I was 18 and eventually told…


9 year old girl barred from school for shaving head to support friend with cancer back in classThis new story inspired us!  It’s always amazing when a child does something that we wonder if we would be brave enough to do ourselves. I’ve never had someone super close to me lose their hair due to cancer, but I’ve always wondered if I would stand with them and shave my head too. This beautiful, young girl…


Show partners that change car batteries together stay together!Yesterday was a crazy day for Carlos, on the first day of our new show his car wouldn’t start. I picked him up for work in the morning and after the show we started the adventure of fixing his Jeep! We picked up a new battery together, but when we got to Carlos’ house we quickly realized he did not have the tools necessary to replace it. We…


How to Keep Your Smartphone From Running Your LifeJoy here: I tend to impulsively check my social media all throughout the day. It ends up controlling me instead of me controlling it! These 6 tips on being intentional with your time spent on technology have really made me think. I am going to make new habits that include some of these tips so that my phone is a good addition to my life, but doesn’t…
