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I’m not a homemaker. I’m just not.The problem is, I wish I was. I especially wish this in a day when every woman’s past time seems to be DIY projects and amazing pinterest meals. I’m not good at these things. Surely, I can improve slightly, but this is not a God-given ability of mine. I recently visited the home of a friend named Talitha and I was memorized by the beauty of her pinterest perfect…


Daddy Blogger Defends Stay-at-Home Moms, Gets Blindsided by CriticsI had no idea that defending stay-at-home Moms could cause such an uproar! This blogger quickly found out that it’s a tough issue. My mom was a stay-at-home mom while I was growing up and I saw how busy and stressed she was all the time. It’s like a job that you never get to leave, it’s 24/7. Yet so many working moms seem not to respect…


Joy and Betty head out for double date night…:) @betty_rock55


Being Beautiful is About More Than Just LooksAdvertising so often tells girls that we are “not good enough.” This is why I am thankful for a new campaign in New York City that is encouraging girls to realize that they are beautiful just the way they are! However, some people have responded negatively to this campaign because they say it only proves the point that girls are too focused on beauty in the first place.…
