Discover the Secret to Being KIND!

Being kind is difficult. It goes against our nature.

Be Kind Hard BattlesOn my way to work this morning, I got cut off by another driver. For some reason, this set me off and I started yelling at the person from inside my car.

THIS my friends is NOT the reaction that I should have as a child of God.

But it was my reaction none the less.

I quickly remembered the quote my pastor shared this week.

 “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

It really changes the motivation behind being kind. God calls us not only to be kind to one another but to LOVE one another and that includes the woman who cut me off this morning. What I failed to realize is that she might be fighting a hard battle. We never know who is grieving, hurting, or disappointed. We don’t know the path that someone is walking when our life intersects with theirs, but we know that every path is littered with difficulties.

I’m realizing the secret to being kind is simply living this quote by viewing people as God does. We cannot see their hard battle but we can try to remember that they have one that we may never know about or see. Let’s be kind to our loud neighbors, our slow waiters, and even our angry drivers. They might need kindness the most.


– Joy


Photo credit: MTSO fan “Random Acts”

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