What To Do When You Doubt Your Faith

As a young kid, no one told me that life would one day chew me up and spit me out.

No one said that one day I would question everything about my faith, but I think this day comes for everyone.

We live in such a hurting and broken world that things like heartbreak, depression, and loss are inevitable. When we cannot make sense of what God is doing it can easily cause us to doubt Him and our faith. The good news is that God can handle our doubts! He’s ok with it! God created us with minds that question and want to understand, so He wants us to pursue answers to our questions. God understands our hurts and even our doubts. He knows our hearts and how fragile our faith in Him can be.

When I was walking through depression and doubting my faith, the one thing that helped was doing Jesus-like things. Serving others and loving on others is what helped restore my faith. When I was doing things that are close to Jesus’ heart it naturally drew my heart closer to Him. I felt like I understood God better when I was being Him to those around me.

If you are wrestling with doubt, know that you are not alone. Relevant Magazine shared some steps that you can take to help you walk through this season of uncertainty.

– Joy

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