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We’ve all experienced it. That awkward moment when well-meaning people try to comfort singles with words of hope and encouragement. Sometimes (and by sometimes I mean hardly ever), it actually does what it’s meant to do. But the other 98% of the time, it fails miserably. The problem is that good intentions don’t always translate into good communication. It’s important for those who are married to remember the struggles that may come with being single…


It’s fair if you are presently thinking, Wait! Are we not supposed to be angry at injustice? Are you crazy? We’re not. But this does not make me crazy. The fact that I enjoy puppetry when no one else is looking? That makes me crazy. My daily habit of eating an entire loaf of burnt toast every morning for ten years? Yes, that qualifies me. Sure. You got me. But this? No. It’s not as…


Everywhere we go in Zambia, we gather quite a crowd.  The kids follow us and, sometimes, are chased by us. I am guilty of that one. As we walk along the dirt paths in their village, we often stop to talk to the families about their different situations and more specifically about their water needs, since that is what Blood Water does best. Most will say, “we need safe water so our kids will not…


Today was such a cool day and yet so frustrating to me. We went out to a drill rig to see a new well being dug. (My honey even got to help!) The really neat part is that, not only will a community get to use this, but it’s been placed right next to a school that was built in 2001. The frustrating thing is that just 200 feet from the school, you can see…


A lot of people just didn't get it. Jesus was right there in front of them loving on them and teaching them. But do we "get it?" What happens when we have trouble seeing the big picture? Bekah from The Wally Show leads today's thought provoking discussion on Isaiah 53. We're going through 8 Days of Easter with the World's Biggest Small Group right now (March 29th - April 5th.) Want to join us? Click…


What does the Crucifixion teach us about God and our lives today? It's kind of a tough topic, but it's super important. Rebie, our resident web girl and Wally's Blog Reporter, asks those very questions in today's discussion on John 19. We're going through 8 Days of Easter with the World's Biggest Small Group right now (March 29th - April 5th.) Want to join us? Click below!
