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I Corinthians 12:26 – “If one part [of God’s body] suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” (NIV) Jase and I learned many years ago that having a child born with a cleft lip/palate was going to be a challenging journey. This was not something that could be easily fixed; it was going to have to be managed for the rest of her childhood and quite…


Inadequacy. We all struggle with it. We all come to parenting with our own baggage, our own challenges, our own character flaws and because we love our children so desperately, we try as hard as we can to help them avoid all those same mistakes. I felt inadequate when I had one child. I felt completely incapable when I had two children. By the time I learned that Bliss was on the way due just…


Dear Sweet Child of Mine, I know you are so big now. You're growing up faster than I could have ever imagined. In my mind, you went from 16 months to 16 years in about two weeks. It's gone by so quickly for me and even as you wish away your youth in exchange for budding independence, I can still see you as a baby in my arms. Oh it was not so long ago…


  It certainly wasn’t my plan. I was going to have the perfect little Christian family. I grew up as a preacher’s kid. My parents listened to Focus on the Family on the radio, and I did, too. I went to a Christian high school and eventually Evangel College in Springfield MO. After that, I took my first full time Christian radio job. Oh, I was so sure that I had it all figured out.…


I must confess that I am your usual suspect Type A. I am a multi-tasking, like to get things done, leader and administrator type. These traits are great for running a home, being a career woman, serving in ministries, but not so much for the fun mom category. This realization hit my heart hard as my 9 year old labeled me the not-so-fun mom. Even at my age, labels hurt! This piercing wound made me…


We asked you to tell us about a time you felt loved. Here's 14 ways to love, as told by our readers. :) 1. Happy Just Because Day! “The nicest thing someone has done for me was to give me a gift. It was on a random day and I was so surprised and enjoyed the gift.” 2. Communicate Regularly “When we were dating, my husband didn’t have a house phone so he would drive down the road to a pay phone…
