Doctors can’t explain why her tumor had disappeared… I am WAY-FM.

My husband and I met on Maui, we moved home two months ago (my husband is from Colorado originally) – we gave up our jobs and moved on faith – into our home in Colorado that had suffered major flood damage. For six weeks we worked to make the house ‘livable’ so we could get through this coming winter, trying to spend as little of our savings as possible. My husband is starting his own business and we agreed I would work to supplement our savings and provide health insurance until that business takes off – God has promised us that it will.

Three weeks ago I accepted a temporary job that did not pay nearly enough but we felt it was God putting me in a place where I could grow.

Tuesday of this week I found out my mother had a scan to find out what was causing pain in her back – they found a half-dollar size tumor on one of her kidneys and scheduled an additional scan for Thursday (yesterday) to figure out her treatment options.

I listen to WAY-FM every day on the hour long drive to and from work (in the car we are borrowing) and have been following the pledge drive – telling myself every day that we barely have enough money for gas and food – when the business starts making money we would be a match-maker – but it kept nagging at me.

On Wednesday I prayed about it again, told God all the reasons I was struggling and that this was going to be a faith step between Him and me – I didn’t even tell my husband – I called and made a monthly commitment.

On Thursday my temporary employer made me a permanent job offer with a significant raise, my husband was given a truck by a friend who is going to contract him for work until his workshop is built – and my mom called to say the Doctors can’t explain why her tumor has disappeared – and she has perfectly healthy kidneys.

Thank you so much for giving me a reason to take that step of faith and see what God can do!!!!!

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