
WAY-FM’s Music Team tells us what they want to hear – and we listen! You can join the Music Team, see the Top 10 songs of the week, or be part of the Music Team 10 show!

It’s really easy to tell us about your favorite WAY-FM song. Just record a voice memo into the WAY-FM app telling us why you love the song and you might hear yourself on the radio during each weekend’s Music Team 10 countdown!

Use the instructions below to record in the app:

Step 1: Tap the “pencil” button in the top right corner.


Pencil button




Pencil button (android)

Step 2: Tap on the microphone.

Microphone button

Step 3: Tap the red “record” button and tell us your name, where your from, the name of your favorite WAY-FM song, and why you love it. Press the same button again to stop recording.

Record button

Step 4: Use the hashtag #MusicTeam10 in the description.


Step 5: Click the “Shout!” or “Send” button!