Author Archive

Is it Right to Be Angry About Injustice?

It’s fair if you are presently thinking, Wait! Are we not supposed to be angry at injustice? Are you crazy? We’re not. But this does not make me crazy. The fact that I enjoy puppetry when no one else is looking? That makes me crazy. My daily habit of eating an entire loaf of burnt toast every morning for ten years? Yes, that qualifies me. Sure. You got me. But this? No. It’s not as… … Continue reading

You Just Wait

  Your wife is expecting. “This is going to be pretty exciting,” you say. They say, “You just wait.” “You just wait, because you won’t be getting any sleep anymore, once that baby’s born. It’s all over. It gets harder. It gets worse.”   Your baby is fun. You think it’s hilarious, how he’s amused by one particular stuffed dog above all other toys. They say, “You just wait.” “Just wait, because when that kid… … Continue reading

If Jesus Had a Blog: I Am the Way

Hey what’s up. Haven’t been blogging a lot lately. Some major stuff is happening. I was having a big dinner with my friends, and had to fill them in on some pretty heavy stuff. Anyway, here’s part of the conversation: 5 Thomas said to me, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6 I answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you… … Continue reading

The Krusty Sage Talks Yoga Pants. Finally.

(If you’re unfamiliar with the Krusty Sage: Please know I have NO idea who this guy is. He just goes off. If you’re offended, well, please know I am, too, so there’s no use complaining to me about it. Kinda irks me that he can hijack this website all the time. Wow.) ———— The Krusty Sage wants to weigh in on something: This whole Christian-tight-pants-or-whatever thing. The Sage doesn’t spend time, normally, talking yoga pants.… … Continue reading

God’s Favorite Team? No, Really.

I’m not sure which Super Bowl team is more “Christian”. I mean, the Seahawks have Kam Chancellor and Russell Wilson and they say Christian stuff. But then they lose Good Person Points because of Marshawn Lynch’s post-touchdown moves. And the Patriots may be cheaters, and that clearly loses points. On the other hand, they’ve tried valiantly in press conference to avoid making junior high-level jokes about deflated footballs. So that’s something. Since we’re all talking… … Continue reading

Yes, How You Do It Matters

“Our ministry reached X number of people for Christ this year!” That’s wonderful. Really! And, say, if we find out your ministry wasted $10 million, didn’t follow through on agreements, manipulated people to get donations, featured abusive, ego-driven leadership, reached settlements in multiple harassment lawsuits, and ramrodded its agenda over other ministries, we might guess what you’ll say: “But our ministry reached X number of people for Christ this year!” Some people will buy this.… … Continue reading

If Jesus Had a Blog: What Success Looks Like

Going to be a short blog entry today. LOTS of stuff going on. Things are way tense. Anyway, having some tough conversations. I had to turn to the guys, and make some things very clear: “If anyone wants to come with me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.“  And then I said: “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life, because of me,… … Continue reading

Welcome, Misfits: A Plea to New Listeners of Our Radio Show

Welcome, misfits. Please have a seat at our table. It’s not the fanciest. You’ll be getting “silverware”, but it’s plastic. One of the table legs is a little shorter than the others. And you’ll note that we, your table hosts, are not the coolest, not the most fashionable, not the loudest, and not the best-promoted or most advertised. We not here to sell you anything. We’re not marketing Jesus to you. Honestly? I don’t even want… … Continue reading

The “Rules” of the Show: A Guide for New Listeners

I meet people often who say, “You know, when I first heard you on the air, I thought you were (insert your own thing here, along the lines of “big sarcastic jerk”) but then I started to understand what you’re doing, and…” So I thought I’d write this.  You may still think I’m a big sarcastic jerk, but at least you’ll see what I was TRYING to do… A Guide for New Listeners: The Rules… … Continue reading

Don’t Be Sad It’s Over

Look, I’m going to give myself 20 minutes to write this, and no more. I can’t handle it. I’m going to type fast, and be done with it. So you’ll get it, mistakes and all. — I’m like a lot of dads: I’m not THAT emotional, but man, when I think about my kids, my little ones, growing up and away… well, like I said, I can’t handle it. I think about tucking them in… … Continue reading