Author Archive

Where’s That At?

The songs we play on WayFM are powerful because they are all grounded in scripture. So, if you have ever heard something in a song and wonder to yourself “Where’s that at?” in the Bible, we can help.  Here is where you can find the scripture for the song Rattle, by Elevation Worship.  We even found a version of Rattle by Zach Williams, which was an added bonus!   … Continue reading

The Shoebox Can’t Be Stopped

They say it is better to give than receive and, especially at Christmas time, there is no better example of this than Operation Christmas Child. With your help, they deliver shoeboxes filled with necessities, niceties and toys to children all around the world.  The best part is when Operation Christmas Child delivers shoeboxes they make sure that kids also get the Gospel! So recently, I met Yulia who works for Operation Christmas Child, and she… … Continue reading

I Challenge Gavin: Mayo Coffee

I Challenge Gavin is where young Gavin sets his fears (and sometimes dignity) aside, and bravely accepts the task people challenge him to do. Today’s challenge comes from me after I saw Hellmann’s post about putting mayonnaise in your coffee. Gavin drinks coffee and he loves mayonnaise so, what could go wrong?     … Continue reading

Photo Op: Betty Goes All Matrix

Photo Op is where Wally makes us send him the last photo we took on our phones and tell him the story behind it. Which photo do you like the best?       Betty – I bet you didn’t know I had these kind of moves huh? While visiting Washington State, my friend tried to take a panorama photo with her phone and I moved. It gave us both a big laugh but also… … Continue reading

Grown-up 9/11 Kid Remembers the Day and Her Dad

As a thirteen year old girl, Francesca DeVito had no idea the heartache that September 11, 2001, would bring.  On this 20th Anniversary of 9/11, we as a nation pause to reflect on that horrific day. But for Francesca it is yet another year to relive the childhood loss of her father, police Lieutenant Robert Cirri, who died saving others when the North Tower collapsed. I have known Francesca for a few years and I… … Continue reading