‘Relationships’ Category Archive

How to Find Your Place in a New Church

“Let us stand and welcome one another into the Lord’s house today.” If you grew up in Baptist church like I did, you are well aware of the time during the church services when you are asked to rise from your seat and greet visitors. You would usually turn to the person next to you or behind you and shake their hand politely and say welcome and then sit back down when the pastor prompted… … Continue reading

How to Stop Being Angry About Everything You See On Facebook

Maybe you’ve noticed: Everybody’s ticked off about stuff. All the time. Slate.com even named last year the “Year of Outrage”, complete with a handy, interactive calendar that lets you pick any day of 2014, and it’ll tell you what everyone was ticked off about on that very day on Twitter. A few weeks ago, I released a book called Unoffendable, and it’s about anger. It’s about “righteous anger”. It’s about Jesus, too. And that’s the… … Continue reading

How to Use the Internet to Share the Love of Jesus

A young man came online searching for help. He was so overwhelmed by his parents fighting he was looking for ways to help their marriage and his family, even though he was only 13. He was reluctant to click the “Chat Now” button, but he mustered the courage and began a conversation. He said that within 5 minutes he felt cared for. A few minutes later and he was asking questions about faith and the… … Continue reading

3 Things Married People Should STOP Saying to Singles

We’ve all experienced it. That awkward moment when well-meaning people try to comfort singles with words of hope and encouragement. Sometimes (and by sometimes I mean hardly ever), it actually does what it’s meant to do. But the other 98% of the time, it fails miserably. The problem is that good intentions don’t always translate into good communication. It’s important for those who are married to remember the struggles that may come with being single… … Continue reading

14 Simple Ways to Show You Care

We asked you to tell us about a time you felt loved. Here’s 14 ways to love, as told by our readers. 🙂 1. Happy Just Because Day! “The nicest thing someone has done for me was to give me a gift. It was on a random day and I was so surprised and enjoyed the gift.” 2. Communicate Regularly “When we were dating, my husband didn’t have a house phone so he would drive down the road to a pay phone… … Continue reading

Find Out If Your Words Are This Powerful

At 10 years old, Nathalie carries herself with confidence and intelligence. She was the girl who knew all the steps in her dance group, was chosen to speak in public about the progress of her class, and could intrigue you with one look of those dark eyes. You can tell she’s a special kid. Her story? Well… She shares a tiny home with nine family members. Her father was killed in a cross-fire between two… … Continue reading

The secret to sharing your faith

Ever been uncomfortable when it comes to sharing your faith? Yeah, us too. Today we’re going to unlock a little reminder about our God and then apply it to sharing our faith. Wally shares an interesting story from an atheist about how one man shared his faith well. Want more devotions like this one? You can still join the World’s Biggest Small Group right here! … Continue reading

Do You Have People Like This in Your Life?

People shouldn’t live life alone. We need people to come alongside us, offering good advice and encouragement. Who was that person for you? And how about this – should you now be that person for someone else? Want more devotions like this one? You can still join the World’s Biggest Small Group right here! … Continue reading