God Wants Us Happy…NOT

God wants us happy. At least that’s what this book wants us to believe. I stumbled upon the book  “God Wants You Happy,” and have been thinking about it ever since. I disagree with this title and concept. I have been learning a hard lesson over the last few years. We all know that God loves us. He cares about us. He wants what is best for us, but He does not always want us to be happy. This may not seem to make sense, but think about it.

HappyGod’s word never promises happiness. In fact, it promises the opposite.

James 1:2, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”

It does not say if. The verse says WHEN you meet trials, because we all will.”

Most Christians in the New Testament DIED for their faith. How does all of that fit into the concept that God wants us happy?

It doesn’t.

God wants what is best for us, but sometimes what is best  does not make us happy. I’m sure that sometimes what is best for me is for hardship to come my way and push me back to God. Sometimes what is best for me is for trial to enter my life to teach me how to be more like Christ. Trials do not make us happy, but they can still be a part of what God wants for us. They are a part of his intricate plan that I won’t even pretend to understand.

There is a main problem with the belief that God wants us happy. When trials come, and God’s word tells us they will, what does that do to your faith in God? It will probably make you angry at God and confused. So many people who cling to this “prosperity gospel” have eventually rejected God and their faith because God brought then into situations that did not make them happy.

The more I learn about God, the more I have had to let go of the concept that God wants me happy. Just like a parent’s first concern is not for their child’s happiness, neither is God’s. He still has to punish us occasionally or teach us through adversity.

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