The Best Marriage Advice Happens to Be the Least Romantic

With Valentines Day fast approaching the world is chatting up a storm about love. A word that over time has lost some of its deep meaning.

“Love” is just as quickly tied to a new pair of shoes as it is to a relationship that has lasted decades. Yet, next season when the new line of shoes comes out, the word “love” is no longer attached to those shoes you originally feel in love with. Now you’re eyeing the shiny new pair, dying to strap those to your feet.

Love has seemingly lost its longevity these days. Which is why I really appreciate what America’s “Longest Married Couple” had to say about love, real love.

Meet John and Ann Betar.

They’ve been married 83 years and know a thing or two about keeping their love alive for so many years. They’ve said the secret to their long-lasting union is pretty simple.

Old Married Couple

“We struggled in the beginning, but, luckily, we were content with what we had. It’s just important to be content with what you have,” John said.

In a world that is never content, always vying over the next iPhone or newer model car, its no wonder people look around when times get hard. But that wouldn’t be indicative of what love really is…

We know that “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Nowhere in there does it say that Love grows tired, Love withers and dies, Love needs to be updated and upgrade or that Love needs to look younger or be newer. Love, real love, is lasting. Which is why I loved what John said about being content with what you have. 

My wife and I have always said to each other, “I choose you,” meaning to us, I will choose you today as you are, tomorrow as you change, years down the road as you age and until death do us part. I am yours and you are mine. Content with the one God gave me and choosing her everyday.

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