What to do on your #worstdayever

Bad days come and bad days go…but when its the #WorstDayEver, what do you do about those days?

My friend is having his #WorstDayEver after receiving the dreaded pink slip from work this week. He is one of a couple hundred employees looking for a new job in a pretty rough job market. One thing he said was that he wasn’t going to let this situation dictate his next step.

So often we do just the opposite of that though, don’t we? I know I have. I get mad or angry or frustrated because something has caused my #worstdayever and from that moment of anger I choose my next step. Normally its not a good one either. Instead I should just calm down, take an hour or two or 24 to calm down, pray and let God dictate my next move. My friend pointed to a great resource at Relevant Magazine that really helped him here and maybe it can help you too the next time you face your worst day ever.


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