
The amazing thing about music is how it can impact people’s lives in different ways. This week, we talked to an incredible little girl named Madison who has found comfort in Zach Williams’ song “Chain Breaker” as she deals with her dad’s drug addiction.

Our hearts broke as we spoke to this 11-year-old girl who has had to face way too much for her age:

My dad–he has a drug addiction problem. We tried to take him to get help, but it was so bad, we couldn’t help him. He has trouble remembering things and gets angry often….

It’s hard because my mom and dad are divorced, and I spend most of my time with my grandma. If I’m doing something, he’ll probably go out to a party…or he’ll make an excuse and not come pick me up.

As Madison faces more pain and trouble than most of us could imagine, she still holds an incredible maturity and attitude:

Even at 11 years old, I know other people have bigger problems than this. It’s just hard sometimes. 

Madison’s grandmother sent her “Chain Breaker,” and now she keeps it on her playlist. Even in a situation that feels hopeless, this girl is listening to truth and messages of hope as she deals with her dad’s addictions.


This song is especially powerful as we finish up our “Beyond Suffering” theme for World’s Biggest Small Group. You can join now and get caught up on stories of finding hope during heartache from our DJs and artists, including Zach Williams.

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