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A young man came online searching for help. He was so overwhelmed by his parents fighting he was looking for ways to help their marriage and his family, even though he was only 13. He was reluctant to click the “Chat Now” button, but he mustered the courage and began a conversation. He said that within 5 minutes he felt cared for. A few minutes later and he was asking questions about faith and the…

comments The Bible doesn’t avoid what happened last night, so I know God doesn’t avoid what happened last night. Is the book of Psalms, David grapples with, “God, where are you?” “Why is this happening?” “Where did you go?” “How come you didn’t step in in this situation?” I actually draw peace from that, even though I’d like things to be tied up in a bow. Some people will do that to you. They’ll just…


There’s evil in this world. There are bad people and they do bad things to good people. It shouldn’t happen and we all grieve when it does. But inside of this you still have to be mindful of the fact that evil doesn’t win and it doesn’t own this. It can be redeemed, it can be reclaimed. Obviously that doesn’t make the pain any less for anyone going through this who has lost friends or…


As kids we believed we had the power to declare “Do over!” when something didn’t turn out the right way. We’d stand in the street and boot a second attempt at kickball. We’d crumple up a piece of paper when the dog’s head ended up lopsided and scribble all over on a new one. We were not afraid to try again. Somewhere along the way to adulthood we forgot we still have permission to do that.…


It’s fair if you are presently thinking, Wait! Are we not supposed to be angry at injustice? Are you crazy? We’re not. But this does not make me crazy. The fact that I enjoy puppetry when no one else is looking? That makes me crazy. My daily habit of eating an entire loaf of burnt toast every morning for ten years? Yes, that qualifies me. Sure. You got me. But this? No. It’s not as…


Everywhere we go in Zambia, we gather quite a crowd.  The kids follow us and, sometimes, are chased by us. I am guilty of that one. As we walk along the dirt paths in their village, we often stop to talk to the families about their different situations and more specifically about their water needs, since that is what Blood Water does best. Most will say, “we need safe water so our kids will not…
