Show partners that change car batteries together stay together!

Yesterday was a crazy day for Carlos, on the first day of our new show his car wouldn’t start. I picked him up for work in the morning and after the show we started the adventure of fixing his Jeep! We picked up a new battery together, but when we got to Carlos’ house we quickly realized he did not have the tools necessary to replace it. We finally went to the store and bought the tools only to end up having to fix his Jeep in the DARK! I took the crucial job of flashlight holder and photo documenter:)

At the end of the day, we were both frustrated but learned a lot. I realized that sometimes I need to put my schedule aside and do what is necessary to show love to a friend in need. I could have had a bad attitude about it but I realized loving those around me is never going to be convenient. Carlos said he is not great at accepting help from others but learned it’s necessary sometimes.

It was not the day we had planned for, but it was a memorable day for sure!

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