
  • Something of Someone You Lost: July 24, 2024
    TWS News 1: Sleep Issues – 00:26 Aftercast Promo – 3:45 Who Does That?!? – 6:51 The Scoop: Cheap Kids Meals – 12:02 TWS News 2: Keeping Kids Busy During the Summer – 16:39 Something of Someone You Lost – 19:28 TMI – 26:55 Getting to Know You – 30:08 Florida Man Bible – 38:30 Rock Report: Celine at the Olympics – 43:09 Things You Still Own and Don’t Know Why […]

  • Aftercast: Traveling Mercies: July 24, 2024
    Wally needs to quickly leave for a flight, Betty has a field day, Germany and it’s climate activist, a couple and a prenup and birthdays. You can join our Wally Show Poddies Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/WallyShowPoddies

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 More Than The Music with Justin Paul

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  • Episode 1240 I Love You But I’m Blocking You Out Of Love
    Guard Your Heart, First Two Weeks Of October, Grace Adventure, National Days, Breaking Animal News, What To Do With Anger, Anxiety, He Does Love You, Wisdom, Prize Wheel, The Uber Conversation, Introverts In Quarantine; Quotes: “Sometime the songwriting spirit comes over you and you just have to do it.” “Everything that you’re gonna become is […]

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