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Dear Sweet Child of Mine, I know you are so big now. You're growing up faster than I could have ever imagined. In my mind, you went from 16 months to 16 years in about two weeks. It's gone by so quickly for me and even as you wish away your youth in exchange for budding independence, I can still see you as a baby in my arms. Oh it was not so long ago…


Failure is inevitable. Last night I got into an altercation with my young daughter. She wanted to watch a TV show; I wanted her to go to bed. What came next was a series of escalating arguments that ended with one person running out of the room crying and the other person weary and disappointed. (I’ll let you figure out who was who.) As grown-ups, we have a responsibility to steward our lives well. This…


My hub and I are not yardwork kind of people. In fact, we despise yardwork. A few years ago when we would look out into our backyard (more like weed jungle) all we would feel was despair. It was time consuming, hot, and exhausting work to try and remove the jungle and then keep it from returning. I understand how it feels to be overwhelmed by a task and, on top of being overwhelmed, to…


A few years ago, my friend Gabe Lyons and Dave Kinnamon wrote unChristian, a sobering commentary on Christianity’s decline in the West due to departure from the biblical vision to engage a secular world with grace and love. Similarly, Philip Yancey wrote in What’s So Amazing about Grace: When I ask people, “What is a Christian?” they don’t usually respond with words like love, compassion, grace; usually they describe a person who’s anti-something. Jesus was…


Inside Out has quickly become the movie of the summer for adults and children alike. For those of you who haven’t seen it, this may have a few spoilers so take that as caution. I don’t want to ruin the movie for you. This is one of the most creative, brilliant movies I’ve seen in a while. There are 5 “personalities,” Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear inside the mind of a little girl, Riley.…


You're about to take a leap into the next phase of life. You have a beautiful plan, dreams you can't shake, and people backing you. The big moment comes and... Nothing happens. This was me the month after I graduated college. I had done everything "right." Good grades, great resume, friendships and connections in my chosen field, etc. Even so, internships fell through at the last minute. Employers who praised me in the interview brushed…
