Who Sang the First Song?

In this engaging board book with whimsical art, singer/songwriter Ellie Holcomb asks a childlike question and answers with a lovely lyrical tale that shows young readers that God our Maker sang the first song, and He created us all with a song to sing.

Go to bhkids.com to find this book’s Parent Connection, an easy tool to help moms and dads (or anyone else who loves kids) discuss the book’s message with their child. We’re all about connecting parents and kids to each other and to God’s Word.


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Visit Kayla Harren’s Website



Singer/Songwriter Ellie Holcomb, a Nashville native, began her musical career by touring the country with her husband in Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors. After eight years, and with the birth of their daughter, Ellie opted to step out of the role of heavy touring. From that space came her debut solo album, As Sure As the Sun, which charted at #1 on the iTunes Christian chart and helped deem Holcomb the “Best New Artist” at the 2014 Dove Awards. Since then, Holcomb has been walking an unexpected path, one of suffering and loss but also peace and joy. She has come to the edge of the rushing river of confusion and experienced a God who made a way where there seemed to be no way. And it is from that place—of finding God in the dark and unexpected—that Holcomb wrote and recorded Red Sea Road, released in January 2017.



Kayla Harren graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a BFA in Illustration. Her work has been featured in the Society of Illustrators Annual Exhibition, Communication Arts, and 3×3 Magazine, and she won the Highlights for Children Pewter Plate Award. Picture books she has illustrated include Mary Had a Little Lizard and Juma the Giraffe.

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