‘Total Axxess Archive’ Category Archive

You Can’t Take Wally Anywhere

Zach and I got invited to a party with Bart from Mercy Me to hear about their new album.  They opened the floor for questions…that was a mistake.  As many times as Bart and the boys have messed with me this was my chance to get even.  For the record Zach put me up to this. … Continue reading

White House Press Sec. Takes a shot at Sarah Palin

You may have heard about the flack Sarah Palin has gotten from writing notes on her hand during a speech at a tea party rally.  Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs mocked Sarah Palin during his daily briefing when he stopped in mid-sentence to announce he’d written a few notes on his hand.  I wish he had written fix the stinkin economy on his hand. … Continue reading

“General” Larry Platt’s TA Exclusive: Robes On The Ground

“General” Larry Platt's Pant's on the Ground has taken America by storm.  Recently,The General was on Total Axxess. He talked about his work with the civil rights movement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and he was inspired to make a socially conscious version of Pants on the Ground.  This is called Robes on the Ground and it is encouraging people not to join the Ku Klux Klan.  A message I think we can all… … Continue reading