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If you or someone you love has ever dealt with Postpartum Depression there are so many unknowns. After sharing my own struggles after the birth of my son, I wanted to talk to a professional and get some questions answered. Counselor Kristin Mize, LCSW shares helpful advice on how to recognize Postpartum Depression/Anxiety and even how to be a good friend to someone who's walking through it. To hear from Joy's own journey with postpartum…


Parenting is hard and there is so much advice out there. Most of it comes across the same. Do more. Do less. Get it right. Most parenting advice leaves you feeling like a failure. This is why I as SO drawn to the advice from author Scarlet Hiltibidal that says failure is actually good when you use it to teach your kids about the gospel.   Don't miss the full conversation about conquering fear in…


After being stuck inside and missing out on so much for a year, we are feeling ready for some FUN! New York Time's best selling author, Annie F. Downs, joins me for a conversation on her latest book "That Sounds Fun!"  Annie covers how to know if what you are doing is truly fun or just escapism. We also discuss how to hold joy and grief at the same time. You are in for a…


I threw myself down on the couch exhausted again. How do the weekends always fly by filled with scheduled events and house work? It feels like I blink and suddenly it’s Sunday night and I’m dreading another busy week. I was in a vicious cycle as a working mom with no breaks and no end in sight. It began to feel completely overwhelming! Then I stumbled upon a social media post from Annie F. Downs.…


"What's up with your skin?" I've heard this question my whole life. As someone whose skin looks different than everyone else's because of an auto immune disorder, you'd think I could handle the questions. However, it's still hard when someone points out something about me that I wish wasn't noticeable. The questions remind me that I'm different and that my skin does not look like most people's. To answer the questions I typically respond with…


Talking about your struggles is always easier with a friend. After releasing a video about my postpartum depression, I sat down with Bekah (from the midday show on WayFM) to dig a little deeper. We cover everything from why I decided to share such a personal story to how you can identify if you are dealing with postpartum depression. If you missed my story of postpartum depression, you can find it here:   
