Your Opinion Counts!


We hope your new year is off to a tremendous start.

As we begin 2024, we’re interested in hearing feedback from some of our most loyal listeners. We value your opinions and hope you can participate in an online Zoom focus group we are planning next week.  Past participants find these discussions enjoyable and you’ll even meet fellow Christian music fans from across the country.

We are anticipating small groups of 9-10 people, talking about radio, music, and related issues.

The online focus groups will take place Monday, January 15 (7pm EST and 9pm EST) and Tuesday, January 16 (7pm EST).  Each session should last no longer than 75 minutes, and we think you’ll find it enjoyable. If you enjoy expressing your opinions and are comfortable using virtual meeting tech, you may be a great candidate to join us.  Each person selected to participate in the groups will receive a digital $50 Amazon gift card as compensation for their time and participation. Please note, signing up to participate does not guarantee selection.

If you are interested and have thoughts to share with us and are available on one or both of the above dates, click on the link below and fill out our brief questionnaire. We will contact you if you are selected to participate.  We anticipate that we will have more responses than we can accommodate, so if you aren’t selected, we hope to include you in future discussions.

Tap Here To Register

We care what you think, and thanks for listening to and supporting our station.  And once again, Happy 2024!

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