Author Archive

Checking My Own Heart on Racism

When I was in youth group, there was a song we’d sing frequently that had the line, “Break my heart for what breaks Yours.” At the time, I remember thinking, “Starving kids in Africa. That’s what breaks God’s heart. I have Christianity figured out! Yay me!” It wasn’t until years later that I realized that patting myself on the back for having things “figured out” was far too premature. Over the past few weeks, we’ve… … Continue reading

Matthew West Writes the Ultimate Graduation Song

It’s graduation season, and even though there are countless great tunes for moving on to the next chapter of life, we thought we could take it to the next level by writing our own. We took some of your ideas of graduation cliches and had Matthew West work them into a song. As always, he absolutely killed it! What was even more amazing than the song itself is the fact that he wrote it in… … Continue reading

Dear Class of 2020

“This is so unfair. No one has ever had to go through this EVER.” Those are words pulled straight from the grade school journal of a younger, more dramatic Bekah. The occasion? Y2K. As we started the year 2000, there were fears that computers everywhere would crash and we wouldn’t be able to do life as planned. I thought the world was ending, and that seemed incredibly unfair. In hindsight, it was no big deal.… … Continue reading

A Reason to Smile

If you’ve watched the news for more than 30 seconds lately, you know that it’s easy to feel helpless and hopeless. But even in the middle of all of the bad, amazing things are still being done at CURE International hospitals as children get life-changing surgeries. Just look at these sweet smiles! And CURE International is providing more than just surgeries. Because they believe that every child is a divine gift from God, they feel… … Continue reading