‘Uncategorized’ Category Archive

BarlowGirl: Where are They Now?

Recently, I had somebody ask me, “Hey whatever happened to BarlowGirl?”  I did not know and going to the internet really was not much help either. So, I hit up their dad who use to be their manager and…WE FOUND BARLOWGIRL! We had a lot of years to catch up on so I hope I got all the answers true BarlowGirl fans want! Some of the topics we cover: who’s married who’s single, walking away… … Continue reading

Kurt Warner, Zachary Levi, and Wally Talk American Underdog

Zachary Levi thought his days of taking shots were over when the filming of American Underdog wrapped. Not So. Wally took a shot at Zachary less than a minute into the interview. Then he got Kurt Warner to take a few shots of his own, and for a brief minute Wally actually felt like he was part of a team. American Underdog is the remarkable true story of NFL quarterback Kurt Warner. In addition to… … Continue reading

Christmas Gets Squirrely with Mike Nawrocki

Mike Nawrocki, the co-creator of Veggie Tales, has a new project to help teach kids Bible stories called Dead Sea Squirrels.  I love the squirrels and wanted to help him market his Christmas story. I couldn’t believe that after all the creative Christian content Mike has churned out over the years that he was not a Bible major in college.  I was shocked when I found out what he was planning to do before God… … Continue reading

Christmas with The Chosen

If you’re a fan of the TV series on YouTube called The Chosen, you know how great it is. If not, it is a series about the life and times of Jesus and it is amazing. Admittedly, I was late to the party on this, but it blew me away at how well done it is and how it made the people I have read about for years in the Bible come to life. The… … Continue reading

Where’s That At?

The songs we play on WayFM are powerful because they are all grounded in scripture. So, if you have ever heard something in a song and wonder to yourself “Where’s that at?” in the Bible, we can help.  Here is where you can find the scripture for the song Rattle, by Elevation Worship.  We even found a version of Rattle by Zach Williams, which was an added bonus!   … Continue reading