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David had a sponsor before who unfortunately dropped him. We were talking to David about what it would mean to him to have a sponsor again someday and we asked him, "What would you tell your sponsor?" Bekah from The Wally Show tells this story of meeting a little boy in Ghana named David who changed her perspective on poverty.   He said, "I would tell my sponsor to take care of me until I…


Jade has cancer. But she's fighting back with joy! We've been friends with Jade for a while and she's amazing. She knows firsthand how big of a deal it is to receive a JoyJar. Her mom, Becky, told us her story. Check it out.     For every $100 single gift during our year-end-pledge drive, we're sending a JoyJar to a child fighting cancer. You're bringing hope to your community by keeping WAY-FM on-the-air and…


"Would love to be able to have a bible I can understand so I can continue my journey pointing to Jesus." - Joyce Literally thousands of requests like this one came through our site this past summer. Our Free Bible page was spread around the internet so much that we needed to ship over 12,000 Bibles. We couldn't do this alone. The cool thing is, you responded. Not only did you come and help us…


Never ever give up. That was 12-year-old Jessie’s motto while she battled cancer. It’s also the philosophy that made JoyJars® possible. Give generously now to share JOY through the Jessie Rees Foundation – and help more people hear just the right words, at just the right moment, which could change their lives forever!


Almost a year ago, I was caught in the endless maze of "following my dreams." I wanted to be a famous singer/songwriter, and many of my friends told me, "Follow your heart," "Do it while you're young!," and "Take a leap of faith!" Everytime I heard one of these well-meaning motivational quotes, I'd nod my head and think, "Yeah! I got this." The problem was... I didn't have it. For over a year, my wife…


"I am committed this school year. I am going to write a Bible verse on my chalkboard every week to inspire my children. I believe this will start our year off right." I made this commitment three years ago. The first verse I wrote was I Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Little did I know, the written chalkboard verse was a lesson for me.…
