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Family DayFamily Day is a national movement to celebrate parental engagement as an effective tool to help keep America’s kids substance free.


So, today is Friday the 13th…big woo.  Seriously.  Not sure when or why this day became associated with bad luck, but I’ve never had any need or use for it.   But here’s something that’s really cool:  I recently read that the phrase “fear not” occurs roughly 366 times in the Bible…that’s one for every day of the year…plus leap year.  As far as fear goes-we’re totally covered all day, every day. Fear is a…

comments nght out…neighborhood watch done right.


The City of Brotherly Love, Sisterly Affection, Cheese Steak and Rocky Balboa is waiting for YOU!!! here’s your second chance to qualify for our Summer Fun Flyaway #4 to Philly!!!
