This photo represents my Monday…awkward and frustrating!I had to use a massive serving spoon to eat my yogurt today because all the human sized spoons were in the running dish washer. Just one more thing to add onto my frustrating Monday. I woke up with the best of intentions. I prayed for a positive attitude and was determined not to be defeated in whatever came my way…then I left my house. Somewhere in that 10 minute… … Continue reading

Went to the Premiere of Grace Unplugged tonight and got to meet the star AJ Michalka! I absolutely loved this movie! It opens tomorrow, go see it! … Continue reading

That awesome moment when you are eating blueberries and suddenly you find one covered in hairy mold. They you find another and another….#ohsnap #helpme … Continue reading

Have you ever showed up somewhere and discovered that someone else was basically wearing the same outfit? As women, we always put a lot of thought into our outfits so when someone else shows up in a similar outfit it’s always shocking. Last night my friend Brandi showed up at Bible study wearing almost the exact same thing that I was wearing. There was a moment of laughter and yet in the back of my… … Continue reading

I just had the insane urge to take a trip to NYC to see some broadway shows…however my bank account quickly spoke up and reminded me that I can’t afford any of that jazz!!  … Continue reading

This coffee caused me some major embarrassment this morning… I attempted to find a new coffee shop and had high expectations for delicious drinks and new friends! I am one of those weird people who loves to pay with exact change. The problem is, I never remember to close my change purse. As I started walking away from the counter I somehow spilled about $5 in change all over the floor! It was so loud… … Continue reading

When you see one of your best friends for a weekend, you have to practice for the future. We anticipate being in a nursing home together one day so we chilled out in some rocking chairs. Gotta love Cracker Barrel! … Continue reading