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The good news is the double rainbow guy's 15 minutes of fame should be jsut about up.  The bad news is it's not up yet, and now he has an iphone app.

Here is the knitty gritty, (I have a million of those) on Brant's Knit, Pray, Love campaign. Here is my finished baby beanie

To work through some of my issues from my childhood, I have started giving bands pages from my sixth grade journal in the hopes that their music can make beauty from my pain.  This is about a time when I begged the football coach to let me play only to get scared and throw the ball into the air and run away.  Not my proudest moment as you can well imagine.

In order to have another song of their played on the radio Disciple first had to get past our Minute To Spin It game, Yourshoes and Hand Grenades.