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We got the opportunity to stop by a school that World Vision helped build.  It was a one room building with few windows and the only electricity was in the enthusiasm of the children who wanted to learn.

Kids in Ethiopia are expected to work hard to help the family earn money, which is good, but many times they don't have any time to just be a kid.  So it is nice to watch them get a chance to just play.

Since Zach took so many great pictures on our trip to Ethiopia, and since everyone loves a good slide show, we thought we would show you the pictures and give you the stories behind the photos.  It is kind of like a directors commentary on a DVD, just with less famous people talking.  Hopefully, some of the pictures and stories will inspire you consider helping out one of our Ethiopian kids.  Dim the lights and…

We spent the day traveling around Ethiopia and seeing some of the most heart breaking things I have ever seen.  There are children everywhere begging in the streets for crumbs.  Sadly, I have seen this before so I was curious what our winners, Dan and Kaylah thought.