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When you come to Ethiopia with money in your pocket it is very easy to feel wealthy here.  To give you some idea of the cost of things 100 birr equals about $7.00.  For example at lunch today: 3 large pizzas and five cokes at Happy Pizza was about $11.00.  I was very thankful for Happy Pizza.  In broken English the owner asked us if our meal “made us feel like his trademark, then pointed…

As we travel around from village to village meeting what certainly would qualify as the least of these, it is tough to synthesize into words the emotions I feel.  I think about the writers of the Bible trying to describe heaven with words that were inept at best.  They struggled to convey God’s infinite beauty while I struggle to convey sights of unbelievable sorrow. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be here and…

&q Today we left the big city poverty of Addis Ababa and drove two hours in a cramped SUV to a place called Yaya Gulele.  It rained the entire trip but we had it far better than the people walking or sitting along the road side in the shivering rain.  You almost feel guilty asking the driver to turn up the heat...so I had Zach ask Between dodging crater sized pot holes that would make…

Today started off with a trip to the Ethiopian Pottery Barn. As you can see it doesn’t look anything like ours. There are no gingham curtains or dust ruffles, (scary that, as a man, I know what gingham and dust ruffles are), but it was amazing none the less. It seems odd that poverty has a hierarchy and in this society the people in the region we visited who make pottery were seen by others…

Best Worst Trip Journal: Ethiopia Day 2 - Church This morning we went to church but truth be told I was taken to school. At first glance the above photo seems like it could be at any church service in the United States. This was the nicest English speaking church in the area. It was sort of a third world version of a mega church. It is strange how worship songs we sing in the…

I am going on about two hours sleep and half a bag of Twizzlers so I will try to be as cognizant as possible.  The trip started off fun and we could not ask for better winners to have on along with us than Kayla and her father Dan.  They are both fun down to earth people who I like very much. They even had a birthday card waiting for me in my hotel...Zach did…