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We are near Antigua in Guatemala with Mission Discovery and the winner of our “ The Word with Friends” contest, Hunter.  Hunter is a cool 19 year old kid from Colorado Springs who said this experience has forever changed him. (Hunter is the tall one by the way) There is something about seeing and serving the people Jesus called the least of these that will do that for you. One of the reasons we did…

Have you heard Tenth Avenue North's new song, "Losing"? Singer Mike Donehey wrote "Losing" based on a letter submitted in a contest we did a couple of years ago. It came from a very personal experience that taught him about forgiveness. The story makes the song even more powerful. Check it out.  

The Newsboy's song "God's Not Dead (Roaring Like A Lion)" reached #1 and they had a party to celebrate. But the song stereotypes lions as merely beasts that roar, but they're so much more.   This is where Wally first tapped in to his inner lion.

Blog Report: June 20, 2012   Francesca Battistelli can’t eat enough pickles. She’s due on Saturday with her second child, a fact that’s confirmed by her recent posts on Twitter: “Somebody bring me some pickles!! Or some really amazing coffee. Or pastrami. Or a donut. Or actually really just pickles.” Glee club pays off for Mat Kearney fans Mat Kearney shared a music video of a group that covered his song, “Ships In The Night”…

Christian TMZ is committed to getting you all the dirt on your favorite Christian artists.  We caught up with Tait and Duncan from the Newsboys on the Music Boat and got to the bottom of a scandalous rumor.  

Wally, I am a faithful supporter and listener. With that being said, I was truly startled as I turned into my work parking lot this morning as you and your co-host made jokes in regards to Rodney King's death....specifically, the comment that it's ironic how his family called the cops for help and how sticks (batons) were not involved this time. Maybe it's just me, but I was a bit alarmed and thought it was…