Author Archive

Is God sitting on the sidelines when bad things happen?

Dear Wally I’m 51 years old and I have been sick for several years. I had to leave NY to come here to live with my parents since I couldn’t really take care of myself. My mom has been taking care of me all these years and I literally would not have survived without her. I’ve been through a lot medically…emotionally. .. Now my mom has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and I want… … Continue reading

Who Will Win Pumpkin Chunkin with Duncan from Newsboys?

Wally, Bekah and Betty Rock take on Newsboys drummer Duncan Phillips in a classic battle of Pumpkin Chunkin. (Win some cool Newsboys gear below.)   Check out the full interview with Duncan, where we talk about Bring Your Bible to School Day, the new movie God’s Not Dead 2, and a possible DC Talk reunion: We have some awesome Newsboys gear to give out. We’ll draw names at the end of next week, so enter right… … Continue reading

UCC Shooting: How To Pray When Things Don’t Make Sense

We live in a broken world as is evidenced by the shooting today at UCC in Oregon. This is becoming too common of an occurrence. Even hearing the shooter is dead doesn’t bring comfort, it just adds to the mystery and tragedy. It is in these times that we have to claim God’s promise, that He will give us peace when there is not understanding. So maybe that needs to be our prayer for people… … Continue reading

What I Learned About God From HGTV Stars

Recently I got a new perspective on wanting to be relevant when it came to my faith from the Benham Brothers. The Benham Brothers, David and Jason, are identical twins brothers who played Major League Baseball and they were the hosts of Flip it Forward with HGTV. They lost their TV show because of how they were painted in the media by liberal activists groups who did not like their conservative stance for God and… … Continue reading

What Happens When Wally Comes Clean About His Hypocrisy?

Recently on the show we were discussing an email I received. The question was, if a preacher committed adultery in the past should they be allowed to preach today or does that sin preclude them from ever being in ministry again? We discussed our thoughts on the matter and then took a few calls. When we got one from a lady named “Dianne”, it caused me to reflect on my own life. “Dianne” shared that… … Continue reading

Why is The Wally Show Writing Crazy Break Up Letters?

Breaking up is hard to do. But sometimes necessary. We each have something we need to break up with, so we decided to make it formal with these break-up letters. Wally’s: Dear Junk food, This is a very hard letter for me to write because you are so unbelievable sweet, I know you have been my sugar daddy, and I am your little Nerd, but it is time for us to just take 5, We… … Continue reading