Why I Live in God’s Grace (And Maybe You Should Too)

Every day I fail.

I do and you do too.Living in Grace

I have the best of intentions but I never quite get it right.

I was doing a Bible Study recently that asked me to list my strengths and weaknesses. I flew through those weaknesses because I know them by heart. They show up in my every day life, but I struggled to list my strengths.

This all made me realize that we can’t live our lives focusing on our sin and how we do not get things right without covering it in GOD’S GRACE! God has already forgiven all of our short comings so maybe we should learn to as well.

Step one: accept God’s grace.

Step two: give yourself grace.

We are harder on ourselves than anyone else, but living in God’s grace means living in freedom. When you mess up give it to God. Do what you need to do to make amends, learn from your mistake and move on.

Living in God’s grace means not living in my failures. It means viewing my life through God’s eyes. Grace is hard to grasp but when I remind myself to live in it I can truly live in freedom.

Photo credit: Sharon, flickr.com, grace

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