Lincoln Brewster Reveals What It Looks Like to Be Made New

“Made new is… an encouragement anthem.” – Lincoln Brewster

If you’ve heard the song, you know this is the perfect description. Not only does it make you want to blast it from your car speakers or jump up and down, but it’s full of truth about our relationship with God.

Lincoln sat down and shared the inspiration behind the song, “Made New” in this video.


He says he had a very specific image come to mind when he was writing the first line of the chorus. It says, “You hold my head up. You remind me who I am.”

He says, “I had this picture in my mind of, like, when my kids do something that they’re not supposed to do and they know they’re in trouble. Sometimes they’ll get more down on themselves than I ever would.”

He remembers a moment when his son, Liam, had just finished a school talent show and was beating himself up about his performance. Lincoln says,

“And I went over to him and just, like, grabbed his chin and lifted it up and said, ‘Look at me.’ You know, literally held his head up and started telling him who he is. And God does that with us… We’re not defined by our mistakes… God’s saying, ‘I’m gonna make you new everyday.'”

“And God does that with us… We’re not defined by our mistakes… God’s saying, ‘I’m gonna make you new everyday.'”

Lincoln Brewster about “Made New”

Check out these lyrics and take a look at yourself through God’s eyes. Remember – you’re MADE NEW every day!



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